Re: Alternating Row Colors
Another way I do this is to format the first two rows as I want them, row one has a fill and row two is no fill, for example. Then copy the cells in the first two rows (not using copy-row) then selec…1 · -
Re: Link Separate Smartsheets into a 'super sheet'
There are two possible ways to do this in Smartsheet. The first way that I use most often is to create a separate project summary sheet where one or more rows will be dedicated to each project. Then …2 · -
Re: How can I archive sheets that I no longer use?
I routinely use Export to Excel to save sheets that I might want to refer to in the future without keeping them active and thus counting against the number of sheets I have. After exporting the sheet…1 · -
Conditional Formatting a cell with a formula that resolves to blank.
I have a sheet with a column that is filled with formulas that brings in text data from another sheet. If the formula resolves to some text I want to highlight the cell with yellow. If the formula re…1 · -
Re: How can I copy all conversations from one row to a row in another sheet?
Genevieve, yes, we are talking about the conversations/comments as you mentioned in your reply. Your copy/paste method used to work but something changed a year or two ago. I had been doing copy/past…1 ·